Gig Memorabilia


The Above gig advert for the 'Moonlight Club', West Hampstead, London from Sunday 4th October 1981 appeared in the 'NME' on 3rd October 1981.


The Above gig advert for the 'Electric Stadium', Chadwell Heath, Essex appeared in 'Sounds' on 17th October 1981.


The Above gig advert for the 'Electric Stadium', Chadwell Heath, Essex appeared in 'NME' on 24th October 1981.


The above Gig advert for 'The Heartbeats' & 'Catchermann' at the 'Greyhound' appeared in the 'NME' on the 6th February 1982



Above is an original gig flyer from when 'The Heartbeats' supported 'Jnr Walker & The Allstars' at the Ilford Palias on Sunday 16th May 1982.





©Detour Records