Read What The Press Said ...


The above review appeared in the 'Pop' section that was written by 'Dave Murray' and was printed in the bands local Newspaper on Saturday 15th October 1977.

The above feature appeared in the Readings 'Chronicle' on Friday 9th September 1977


Above a page of reviews for the bands debut release that the group had put together.

Above is a thank you letter from 'Pete Townshend' saying he liked the single that the band had sent him.

The above article appeared in the Local Reading Newspaper mid '77
Above is a thank you letter from the US Punk magazine 'Search & Destroy' saying that they liked the single that the band had sent them.


'Trash' grace the front cover of 'Outside View' magazine #2 from December 1977.


The above article appeared in the 'New Music : The Sound Of The Streets' #1 magazine from '78


Above is an original Gig Ticket for "Upstairs at Ronnie Scott's", London from Tuesday 18th April 1978.


Above is an original A5 Gig Flyer that features 'Advertising' & 'Trash' at the 'Food Tech College' on Friday 2nd June 1978.




©Detour Records